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Track Global Water Scarcity

"We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one."

CS1 and CS2 Mockups.png


This is my passion project.


Objective: Give people ownership of responsibility over the conservation of our finite fresh water sources by making water availability information common and easily accessible for free with the use of a mobile app.


Problem statement: The earth is expected to run out of fresh potable water by 2040. We need to help mitigate this issue together by staying informed.


Role: Designer, Researcher


Hifi Wireframing

I am very passionate about saving water and staying educated about our water resources. So, I was very excited to begin creating this hifi wireframe.

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I soon started to play with various designs and color palettes. I knew that I wanted the app to be welcoming, informational and inclusive. I was going for a neutral aesthetic and wanted to make everything feel familiar and standard, but still eye catching.

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Screen Shot 2021-01-06 at 2.56.14 PM.png

I even began to design a splash intro for the potential app.
I was in flow, utilizing my skills and enjoying the creative process. 

Woman Typing

However, I knew that it was not inclusive enough. People don't need another app to download. There is a more efficient way to reach out and inform without designing from scratch.
What is something that all people check daily regardless of gender identity, ethnicity, and even age?

Primary Research

I went back to my roots; research. I started the process over again.

These are some of the questions from a survey that I made on I distributed the survey on various subreddits: Portland, OR, Maryland, San Diego, CA, Arizona, Manila, PH. I asked people to volunteer to take the survey to see how people use their weather apps. I chose places with different climates to get various responses.


The data shows that people of all ages often check the weather, even multiple times a day, and they are mostly using a free weather app to check the weather. 


The results show that a weather app would be a good platform to inform people about imperative water information.

Secondary Research

Design Explorations

I chose a few existing popular and free weather apps for inspiration and comparison. I wanted this feature to easily be placed on all weather apps as a standard.

Early Prototype Iteration